What is Luxury?

Here’s a topic that has come up time and time again. We are often asked how we define Luxury… and we often dodge the question!

From hoardings on a building site (usually adjacent to a major A-road) advertising “Stunning Luxury Apartments” to “Luxury Toilet Tissue”, the word is certainly overused. Yet still it has power, intrigue and is aspirational. How can this be the case and why has no one yet coined a new term?

From our perspective, with our laser focus on Guest Experience, we understand Luxury to be subjective. Until we understand the audience, we can’t define Luxury as it will mean very different things to different people.

For us, Luxury needs to feel comfortable, welcoming, inclusive and, well, Luxurious! Luxury is a feeling rather than a set of rules, and we love working with our clients to help them to develop and nurture that feeling for their guests.

But we also LOVE to see the “L” Word used in the most incongruous of places, so what’s the strangest use of Luxury that you have seen?


Building Emotional Connections